The Biomotum SPARK is transforming mobility rehabilitation, helping those with walking impairments live without limits.
Our on-demand robotic system is remarkably effective at assisting and restoring walking function when compared to conventional approaches.

Explore the Biomotum SPARK and the different ways to access our robotic gait training system
Provide higher quality care to your patients. The Biomotum SPARK delivers precise and effective rehabilitation to individuals with cerebral palsy, stroke, and other neurological conditions. Increase gait quality, treatment dose and therapeutic impact through robotic gait training.

CAUTION - Investigational device.
Limited by United States law to investigational use.
This product is not yet cleared by the FDA.
The Biomotum Spark is a Powered Exoskeleton intended for use in rehabilitation and for personal/everyday use by individuals with gait impairments caused by neurological or orthopedic conditions. It is not intended for use with non-ambulatory individuals or those with excessive muscular weakness or tone.